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Archive for April, 2007

Long Time No Blog

April 7th, 2007 at 03:05 pm

I know it's been a long time since my last blog, but a lot has happened since then. We got word in the beginning of March that we would be moving two weeks later so we only had 2 weeks to get everything ready. Thankfully it was a very smooth move, thanks to the military. They give a huge moving allowance which allowed us to essentially go on a paid for vacation while we were in transit. We stayed in San Antonio on the River Walk and went to Sea World and a river boat ride. Then we stayed in Mobile Alabama and I was able to see the ocean for the first time! We had a wonderful time.

We've also made huge strides on our debt diet! We decided that we were done with car debt, so yesterday we traded our minivan for the private party value and bought an older Jeep Cherokee in cash. We're so excited not to have any more car payments! We now have two older cars, but we'll have the cash available to make needed repairs and upkeep, as well as rent a vehicle for long trips. Now we just have to tackle another $6000 or so in student loans and misc and we'll be done! Our goal is to be debt free by September, exactly 1 year and 2 months after we decided to get serious about paying off debt. We're going to try to make sure to stay away from all debt for the rest of our lives, except for maybe a mortgage when we've decided that we've had enough of living on base. Right now we love living on base and can't see ourselves living off-base any time soon. It would be great to eventually have enough saved up to put 50%-100% down on a house. We'll see what happens with that.