Home > New Here

New Here

January 29th, 2007 at 07:40 pm

This is my first time blogging, but I've been looking at this site for a long time. It has been such a great source of support and encouragment while we turn our finances around.

Some background: My husband is active-duty Army and we live in base housing. We love the Army life and it's been a great help in saving money since we don't have to worry about paying health insurance and get huge discounts on groceries (at the Commissary) and housing.

We started our "debt diet" in July of 2006 and so far have paid off almost $17,000 in debt. We paid off a huge chunk of that when we sold our two brand new cars and bought a used mini-van. At that point we knew we were committed. We had a little setback over Christmas because this was our year to travel home to see family, but now we're back on track and excited about knocking out our debt by January of 2008.

I'm also excited about being a part of this community! Again, I appreciate all of the support that you've unknowingly given me just through sharing your own stories.

16 Responses to “New Here”

  1. JanH Says:

    Welcome! Sounds like you are doing great! You will be helping all of us out with your ideas. Looking forward to spending time with you.

  2. threebeansalad Says:

    Welcome! -$17,000 since July is very impressive!

  3. living_in_oz Says:

    You guys are already doing great! It sounds like you sure have your priorities in orderSmile Good luck and welcome.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Welcome abroad. Smile

  5. tinapbeana Says:

    nice to have you here, amanda!

  6. frugalmomof1 Says:

    Welcome to the blogs! $17,000 in 6 months is very impressive!!

  7. scfr Says:

    Welcome - Glad you're here!

  8. monkeymama Says:


  9. Ima saver Says:

    Welcome, you have been doing very well!!

  10. LuxLiving Says:

    WOOT! You're my new hero!!

  11. Money Saving Army Wife Says:

    Thanks everyone! You guys are wonderful : )

  12. LuxLiving Says:

    Hi Amanda - don't forget to hit the Money Forums as well for lots of good discussions and ideas.

    I think we already have several Amanda's that blog & write in the forums so you might want to add a last initial or some other identifier to help us keep you guys straight in our heads.

    Right now we also have a plethora of Tinas and Beans!! Ha! I have to check my noodle every now and again to remind myself which one I'm in conversation with.

  13. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome! I'm an army wife too! We are full time in the reserve no base housing for us...but the other benefits are great. Best of luck in meeting your financial goals.

  14. AutumnxButterfly Says:

    Welcome! I am kind of new here myself. WTG on paying of the 17K. And God bless you and your husband for all that you do for us.

  15. Amber Says:

    Welcome, I have been here now for about a will love it. Good luck with all your goals

  16. morningstar Says:

    Wow, your savings have been really inspiring. All the best to you and welcome. I am kind of new, too. I have been lurking and learning for several months now. This site is fabulous.

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