Home > Couponing for the First Time

Couponing for the First Time

February 17th, 2007 at 05:14 am

I shopped with coupons for the first time today. Of course I've used them before, here and there, when I pick one up in the aisle. But this was the first time that I sat down and cut them out, made a list that used many of them and went to work. We saved $7.30, which I'm sure to many seasoned coupon users is a small amount, but we were proud. We even had a $2.00 coupon for a $1.99 bottle of baby wash so got that for free. My husband even talked about how much fun it was to save money and find the best deals. He also ordered some Hapads (inserts for your shoes) and instead of simply ordering them online he called the company and asked for a lower price so they took off $1.00 a pair, saving him $4.00 total! So today we saved $11.30.
Oh - and we paid off a 4th bill this month. That's 4 bills that we don't have to pay ever again! It was a 0% interest credit card for our mattresses. It's amazing how much more comfortable they seem now that they're paid for.
It was a good day.

6 Responses to “Couponing for the First Time”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Good for you!

  2. threebeansalad Says:

    I think coupons are fun! Be careful, you might get addicted. Does the store double coupons?

  3. Money Saving Army Wife Says:

    I wish they did, but I actually haven't been able to find a single store in this city that does! And we live in a good-sized city of about 600,000+ people. I'm trying to figure out how to find a store that offers that...

  4. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    Congrats on the payoff and coupon savings!

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Awesome job! I think 7.00 is great. I always just try to save at least the sales tax! So you did even better. Keep up the good job!

  6. thewalletsaver Says:

    Good job on the coupons. If you are ever stationed overseas the commissaries will accepted coupons six months after the expiration date.

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